Working with me
Getting the RIGHT answers may seem to feel like diving into Alice's Rabbit hole, chasing potions that don't seem to be right for you.
BUT having a personal doctor at your fingertips can make the WORLD of a difference.
A clear path for what's the only way for you starts here...
Wellness Support in the stage that you need the most

Schaefer Protocol
With this protocol, you can get started whether you're planning to get pregnant and have a baby soon or in the upcoming future. This protocol is unlike any other and we work with doctors around the world with peer support around the world as well to make sure that you're never alone in this process. It's not about chasing the symptom, it's understanding normal.

Can't GET pregnant? Can't seem to STAY pregnant? Take the stress off and I'll reveal what is the missing essential to the foundation for your fertility wellness. Your support system includes weekly check-in's and monthly progress to make sure you're on your unique path right for you and your spouse.