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Webster Technique


The Webster technique is specifically used by chiropractors to adjust the effects of the subluxation that may be caused by any dysfunction in the spine and/or the pelvic joint dysfunction, known as the sacroiliac joint. Dr. Wong uses this technique to promote neuro-bio-mechanical function within the entire body to promote well-being and health.


The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) recognizes and recommends this technique to care for pregnant women, especially caring for the mother who may be predisposed to contribute to a difficult labor or abnormally slow labor progression (i.e. dystocia).


DYSTOCIA (according to Williams Obstetrics) is caused by 3 primary reasons: Powers, Passenger, and Passage. This is explained through the inadequate uterine dysfunction (present when needed for contraction and coordination of cervical dilation is needed), abnormal presentation or position of the fetus during labor, and abnormal contracted pelvic muscles and soft tissue abnormalities hindering the passage of the fetus during birth. Fortunately, according to many research studies, the correction of the sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia. 


  • Reduce instances of dystocia

  • Help achieve pelvic balance

  • Result in shorter labor times

  • Reduce preeclampsia

  • Reduce back pain


That is why we utilize the Webster Technique as a clinical framework when sacral misalignment from the pelvis is present, we take care of the three primary reasons dystocia (uterine nerve interference, pelvic misalignment, and tightening and torsion of specific pelvic muscles, ligaments, and their aberrant effect on the uterus) that may prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for birth and during the labor delivery experience.


For the History of the Webster Technique, click HERE


1.Cunningham G, et al.  Dystocia:  abnormal labor and fetopelvic disproportion.  In:  Williams Obstetrics 21st ed. New York:  McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2001:426

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